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The Moonies Book (Bulk- No Glasses)

Descrição do produto

The Moonies Journey to the Total Solar Eclipse

Based on classroom demand, we are now offering our "Moonies" Children's book in a 12 and 24 pack. Proudly MADE IN THE USA!

*Packaged in bulk and tailored to the classroom, these books do not come with eclipse glasses. 

An American Paper Optics exclusive, this easy to read, family friendly, eclipse book is sure to get everyone excited for the 2023 and 2024 eclipses. Educational and fun, this book is a can't miss for all those adventure seeking, day dreaming, kids out there. 

The Moonies Journey to the Total Solar Eclipse is a kids book designed to start a conversation about some of life's biggest events. A perfect gift for any family, this eclipse book reminds us that creativity and imagination are the keys to learning something new!

Preço da quantidade
12 livros $5,00 cada 
24 livros $4,50 cada

*Estes livros estão a granel e não vêm com óculos de eclipse

$ 60.00